A professional site that is inspired by me to create good for other people by other people! The site will feature investment oppotunities, money making opportunities, Angel-investers, Investment-networks, Import-Export, Affiliate-marketing, Tax-lien certificates, Ebay opportunities, Real estate, etc.etc. The sky is the limit!!! This site will function as the mother-site for all my blogs and websites.


Overhere we are looking into any kind of opportunity to either make money through a network of investors and or individuals, with either professional or amateur advice or partnership. comments are welcome to get started in order to link up possible (angel)investers, bankers, etc. with individuals, coorporations, businesses,etc.
I will also start a foundation if and when the proper angelinvestor will come along and will offer help for the greater good!

Product Cloud

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Transforming Debt into Wealth

This title belongs to John Commuta together with the Nightingale Conant website,(with authors like Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Allen, John Commuta, Toni Robbins, Earl Nightingale, Joe Vitale, Zig Ziglar, David Bach, Napoleon Hill, Sylvia Brown, Dale Carnegie, etc.)
They designed a way of life based on being debtfree and after that transforming that debt into wealth with the money that you use to pay into the debt.
The average time for anyone to be debtfree under virtually any circumstance is 5-7 years, no exeptions!
with the system you get 6 discs to help you including graphs and layouts and schedules to help to pay of your debts!
Including is a set of discs by Robert Allen famous author and miljonair with his award winning strategy Multiple Streams of Income, both authors inspired my to be here and talk to you about this today.
It is changing my life as we speak in order to get away from this gargantian monster out there that is called: DEBT and something that America is so used to embrace everyday!
Usefull links are http://nightingaleconant.com
and http://johncommuta.com
and http://multiplestreamsofincome.com

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